illustration, words, motion graphics

Thanks for ending up at my website, however you got here.

I have a newsletter at substack now, so my writing is over there. Subscribe down below, or visit to read my archives. It’s currently all paywall free, and will mostly likely stay that way, even if I open paid subscriptions. It’s called pretending. (I have some fun, colourful printed bags and things, and soon, originals, for sale at my shop, also called pretending).



The absolute worst bit about having a website is the about blurb, so here are some bullet points.  

  • illustrator – trained at Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge, UK, early 90s. I illustrate anything. My first illustration was on my pillow when I was four. 
  • motion graphics designer – I make motion graphics and VFX for various producers in Portugal, UK and USA. 
  • writer – books (various), was a columnist at Observador 2015-2017, was part of the RTP script team for Eurovision 2018, the Lisbon one. Used to  opine about the news on Antena 1, being the annoying English one between Catarina and Dora.
  • books, mine:
    • O Livro das Receitas Nojentas – Guerra e Paz 2006 (wrote and illustrated)
    • Eat Portugal – Leya 2011 (with Célia Pedroso)
    • Como Não Morrer de Fome/How Not to Starve in Portugal – Objectiva 2016 (wrote and illustrated, but just the cover, the rest is just WORDS)
    • Friedrich (self-published 2016)
    • The Village (self-published 2020)
  • illustrating other people’s stuff
    • Fama e Segredo na História de Portugal (Agustina Bessa-Luís)
    • Atlântico Magazine
    • Kulto Magazine
    • Pais e Filhos magazine
    • O livro das coisas boas
    • O Melhor Pai no Mundo é o meu
    • many other things in lots of different places.
  • I’m British
  • but have lived in Portugal since 1999
  • I coped with the culture shock of living in Portugal (pre-Portugal being in fashion) by writing and drawing anonymously in a blog called Vitriolica. Annoyed quite a lot of people. 
  • I get quite snippy at people who move to Portugal and don’t learn Portuguese and don’t treat Portugal like a grown up. 
  • I have two grown up luso-british daughters who have both gone off to be artists in the world, one in graphics, one in ceramics, and I couldn’t be more proud.
  • What else do you want to know?